- Type:
- Park-Overlook
- Elevation:
- 5,758 feet feet
Twelve miles of 1000-foot high canyon walls - this is what you see when you travel through Glenwood Canyon. Interstate 70 runs through this dramatic natural landmark, which makes it highly accessible, but it's almost a shame simply to drive past this spectacular scenery. Fortunately, there are four rest areas along these twelve miles, which all allow hiking traffic as opposed to vehicle traffic.
One of these rest areas leads to Hanging Lake, almost as much a landmark as the canyon it pools within. The green water is fed by waterfalls, waterfalls that flow over lips of an unusually fragile called travertine. The hike is short, if very steep, and the lake is worth the effort.
Also within Glenwood Canyon is the Colorado River, which, in fact, created the gorge after centuries of erosion by rushing water. This section of the Colorado River is a popular rafting trip, not too rapid-rough, but few stretches of any river are more scenic than this.
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